Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Public Relations Theories Course

Now it is time to round the course off. First I'd like to say that this course gave me a lot. These theories about how different aspects of public relations work, were very important to know. Some of them may seem obvious, but still need to be "put in paper" so we won't forget them. For example if different acts of crisis communication are said, it seems so logical that why should anyvody right it down, but in a crisis situation it is very easy to forget them. That is why those kind of theories have to be written down. 
Or if we think about stakeholders, of course they are important, everybody knows it. But if you read an article about the reasons, you start to see it from another angle. 
The most difficult for me in this course was probably reading those academical texts, which were long and, to be honest, sometimes quite boring. But after reading and thinking about what was written, I understood the reason of reading so they were useful. I liked the lectures, where our lecturer managed to explain these difficult theories in easier and more understandable language. The most interesting topic for me was probably crisis communication. It seems pretty hard to handle sometimes as PR professional, but interesting to think and discuss about. 
If public relations would be an animal, it would be a squirrel. They are cute and soft, but also clever, they know how to prepare. Squirrels collect acorns like PR people do plans for different situations. And if winter or needed situation comes, they both use their collected stuff to handle it. 

Happy Christmas everyone!

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